Fiscal Agent Services
The Fiscal Agent (FA) provides a broad range of financial management services to the clients in implementing the activities funded by the Global Fund and by GAVI. The FA works with the clients to ensure that all requests to commit funds and/or to make payments as part of the grant implementation are correctly carried out. In this capacity, the FA diligently oversees, discharges and performs all services necessary to ensure that all financial management activities were conducted in strict compliance with the principles, rules, and procedures set out by the Global Fund and local Government. The clients work throughout provinces (DPS) and Sub-Recipients, which are national and international NGOs.
The managed fund volume by GFA since April 2020 is USD 153.013.248,53 for TGF, including Tuberculosis, Malaria, HIV and RSS and COVID Grants and USD 128.148.103,17 for GAVI (Fievre Jaune, VAR, COVID, RSS, CAVAR and VPI) (Update February 2024).
The main objectives of the FA assignment are:
- To generally ensure compliance of grant expenses with the agreed budget, procurement and work plan and to strengthen the financial management as regards accountability, efficiency and transparency.
- To review and approve both the placing of orders when committing funds and the actual payment of expenses with Global Fund grants.
- To ensure that financial transactions were accurately, completely and timely maintained.
GFA B.I.S. Services
GFA B.I.S. was commissioned by GFA Consulting Group to provide IT consulting and implementation services. GFA B.I.S. consultants implemented INFOR SunSystems at the Fiscal Agent in order to secure the fulfillment of The Global Fund requirements concerning transaction coding and automated enhanced financial reporting. In addition, GFA B.I.S. consultants assisted the implementation of SunSystems at the Principal Recipient.
GFA B.I.S. was commissioned by GFA Consulting Group to implement a suite of financial management tools (B.I.S. Applications) that help GFA to maintain high quality of services provided by the FA team.
The suite is based on open-source components using the latest programming languages. All tools are web-based and hosted in Germany. This concept allows for minimal effort during project setup and simplifies professional user support.
The B.I.S. Fund Reporting Tool allows for access by the GFA’s HQ oversight team to review all validated payments, as well as directly generate relevant reports, such as advance aging reports or payment validation statistics.
The tailor-made Workplan for the Global Fund and GAVI allows for transparent and efficient management of project activities. Based on the terms of reference of Fiscal Agent services, the oversight team at the headquarter of GFA Consulting Group prepares a detailed Workplan that is used on a monthly basis as a planning, monitoring, and oversight tool. The WP is a core tool that provides a systematic approach to reporting as well as structuring of the entire filing system for supporting documents.
The Advance Tracking Tool is a tailor-made application aimed at projects, where organizations at the national/central level advance funds to entities at sub-national/regional level, allowing for a transparent, timely and comprehensive tracking of disbursements and advance retirements. The tool offers simple yet robust data entry and reporting package designed to accommodate the perspective and needs at both organizational levels.
Photo: Kudra_Abdulaziz, pixabay