Fiscal Agent Services in Burundi
Unité de Gestion et d’Appui au Développement Sanitaire (UGADS) is a newly created PMU designed to host programs funded by international donors and managed by the MoH. UGADS is currently managing GAVI RSS grant and manages the GF RSS grant as of 2022.
For GAVI, the FA covers RSS grants (HSS2, operational costs and other subsequent funding) implemented by the MoH. It is expected that GAVI funding under the “Full Portfolio Planning” process will increase the total budget under UGADS management, hence the need for robust oversight and risk management.
GFA B.I.S. Services
GFA B.I.S. was commissioned by GFA Consulting Group to implement a suite of financial management tools (B.I.S. Applications) that help GFA to maintain high quality of services provided by the FA team.
The suite is based on open-source components using the latest programming languages. All tools are web-based and hosted in Germany. This concept allows for minimal effort during project setup and simplifies professional user support.
The B.I.S. Fund Reporting Tool allows for access by GFA’s oversight team to review all validated payments, as well as directly generate relevant reports, such as advance aging reports or payment validation statistics.
The tailor-made Workplan for the Global Fund and GAVI allows for transparent and efficient management of project activities. Based on the terms of reference of Fiscal Agent services, the oversight team prepares a detailed Workplan that is used on a monthly basis as a planning, monitoring, and oversight tool. The WP is a core tool that provides a systematic approach to reporting as well as structuring of the entire filing system for supporting documents.
In addition, GFA B.I.S. carried out several missions for IT assessments, starting with a gap analysis of the IT infrastructure.
Photo: augustinetours, pixabay