Implementation of Infor SunSystems for LEARN Logistics
LEARN Logistics is a subsidiary of the Kühne Foundation, which supports capacity building in logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) in low- and middle-income countries. We target geographic areas where public or private funding and local resources are are not able to provide the necessary LSCM education and/or meet international quality standards.
LEARN Logistics shares the Kühne Foundation`s vision that logistics and supply chain management are a core factor and backbone for global trade and economic development. We believe that competitive logistics and supply chain management systems can be facilitated through high-quality education. The development of such high-quality education systems can be built through multilateral partnerships between top-ranked higher education institutions in high-income countries and suitable universities in low- and middle-income countries. These partnerships can be coordinated and facilitated through a sustainable approach based on mutual understanding, cooperation, and continuous learning and development.
GFA B.I.S. Services
GFA B.I.S has been contracted by LEARN Logistics to implement Infor SunSystems 6.4 as a cloud-based solution for LEARN Logistics German office and to integrate two local offices in Africa. The system includes multi-currency, advanced data analysis and online reporting, and takes into account local requirements into consideration.
Photo: TungArt7, pixabay